Publishing for video games

Publishing for video games involves finding a partner who will market, distribute, and financially support the game’s development and release. This partner, known as a publisher, is responsible for promoting the game, making sure it reaches the right audience, and managing the financial aspects of the game’s release, such as budgeting and pricing.

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Finding Right Publishing Partner

Sibs Consulting helps game developers find the right publishing partner by understanding their needs and goals for their game. We then identify publishers who have experience and expertise in the developer’s specific genre and target audience. Sibs Consulting helps negotiate terms and agreements with publishers, ensuring that the developer’s needs are met, and that the publisher is able to successfully market and distribute the game.

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Building out their own Publishing Organization

In addition, Sibs Consulting can assist publishers and developers in building out their own publishing organization or restructure existing publishing team for greater success. This can include creating a comprehensive marketing plan, developing a distribution strategy, and building a strong financial plan. By working closely with developers and publishers, Sibs Consulting helps to ensure that games are successfully brought to market and that the developers game finds its most engaging audience possible.

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